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Lyric / Affirmation Bracelets
  • Lyric / Affirmation Bracelets
  • Lyric / Affirmation Bracelets
  • Lyric / Affirmation Bracelets
  • Lyric / Affirmation Bracelets
  • Lyric / Affirmation Bracelets
  • Lyric / Affirmation Bracelets
  • Lyric / Affirmation Bracelets

Lyric / Affirmation Bracelets

Choose Your Affirmation


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Estimated Shipping September 2023:

Affirmations using my favourite lyrics are inscribed in these wearable art bracelets. Each as an affirmation. Choose the one that suits you best or wear all three together.

OPTIONS: 'I want to burn so bright - I want to light up the night - Sandra Bouza' 'You can get back in the water. Converse with the stars -

Estimated Shipping September 2023:

Affirmations using my favourite lyrics are inscribed in these wearable art bracelets. Each as an affirmation. Choose the one that suits you best or wear all three together.

OPTIONS: 'I want to burn so bright - I want to light up the night - Sandra Bouza' 'You can get back in the water. Converse with the stars - Sandra Bouza' 'Don't stop if you've got something left to say - Sandra Bouza'

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